June 20, 2010

June 2

Happy 3 years to our marriage! In 2007 Chris and I were married after being best friends for 7 years. And now we are happier than ever. There are times when it seems like it went by so fast but I also can't remember what it was like not to be married to Chris. 

I love him so much and I cannot imagine what my life would be without him. I know that he makes me better and I know that I make him better. 

These are some of the best memories I have of the last 3 years.

1. When we lived in our first apartment, Chris decided to try to scare me. We just got home and I went into the bathroom. When I got out, Chris wasn't anywhere. I hadn't heard the door open so I knew he was in the apartment somewhere hiding. I decided to show him so I sat on the couch and started reading. Five minutes later, I wondered why he hadn't given up. I went in our room and looked in our closets. He wasn't there. Our apartment is so small, I gave up. I figured he must have gone outside. I went around to my side of the bed and there he was: crumbled under the bed with the boxes waiting to jump out and scare me. But because it was such a small space, he didn't have enough room to get out fast enough. It is probably the funniest thing ever. He has such dedication sometimes.

2.We were at Target. Whenever Chris and I go into the store to get one things real quick, it never it ends up being that easy. We don't get a basket because we only need one thing. But we end up with our hands full with everything we get. Well, I decided I wanted some peanut M&Ms. I couldn't find them anywhere in the candy isle. Chris was at the other end of the isle and found them for me. We were about 15 feet from each other and both of us have no free hands. Don't worry though, Chris has got this. He picks up a bag and THROWS it to me. I can't catch so all I do is put out my foot to try to stop it. Which I do and the bag busts all over the place. We couldn't stop laughing even after we left. (Don't worry, we paid for that bag and safely got another one.)

3. Our honeymoon in Orlando at DisneyWorld and Universal Studios. Ever June 3-8, I still think "this day 3 years ago we were at Animal Kingdom..."
4. Our trip to San Francisco where we realized we weren't city people.
5. The nights we have spent watching episode after episode of a new TV show.
6. Our first trip to Bridal Veil Falls to which I dragged Chris and he ended up loving it probably more than me. (Chris "I didn't really want to go but I did and I like it."
7. "I broke this."
8. Getting to working together for the first 2 1/2 years of our marriage.

I know that we have so many more memories to make and our lives will change so much, but as long as I have Chris than everything will be amazing. 

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