April 18, 2010

April 14

No original picture today. But in about 2 weeks I will be able to take a picture like this. That's right; my sisters are coming. I am so freaking excited. I know that we will all be so busy with work-mostly just Charleah. But we can still have so much fun together. I am mostly excited because I thought that I was going to maybe have to wait until Christmas to see them again. And that is just too long to go without seeing your sisters.

Here are some things about having sisters:

  1. You get to borrow their clothes. And sometimes they just give you their clothes.
  2. You'll always have a roommate at college.
  3. If you need a laugh, just call them.
  4. You have an automatic best friend growing up.
  5. You can have the worst fights and then laugh about it later.

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