April 12, 2010

April 6

There used to be four live geese in our neighborhood.

Two weeks ago,  I was walking Kali and she went up to a 7 foot high and 10 foot long bush and started sniffing and the bush hissed back at her and the whole thing moved. She barked and ran away. The next day the same thing happened. I thought she had found a snake.

But today I was walking Kali with Chris and we walked by the same bush. Kali went near it and it hissed and moved again. Chris said there was no way it was just a snake. We took Kali home and then got our camera. With the zoom we found this.

Can you tell what it is? Chris and I debated about it thinking maybe it was a turtle, but no. It was goose number 4. We threw some things at it and it didn't move. It was dead.

Later in the day Chris looked up alligator sounds. He found a website and played an alligator hiss and it sounded exactly like what we heard when Kali got near the bush.

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