July 25, 2010

July 21

Can you guess what this is!? My classroom. Isn't it amazing?

I went to sign my contract today at HR and I went to my school to ask the principal a question and I was hoping they would let me see my room.

To be honest, I didn't hear anything else from the school for 24 hours. I thought that maybe I had imagined the job offer because no one had called me. But eventually the school secretary called me asking to me to go to a certification class.

There is still another teacher's stuff in this classroom all in the cabinets. I don't know when she will have everything out, but I am excited to start decorating it and arranging it.


  1. AW Rannie that's totally exciting! Take lots of pictures when you're finished with it.

  2. What school are you going to be at?
