August 1, 2010

July 23

We went to see WICKED tonight. I think I liked the one in San Francisco better, but it was still good. I really want it to be made into a movie so I can watch it over and over again.

We almost didn't make it there in time. At dinner I split dressing all over my skirt. I tired to get it all out but there was a huge stain on it. We went across the street to Marshall's to buy me another skirt. So we got there at 7:55 and it started at 8.

I looked for an actual Wicked poster, but I didn't see one like they had in San Francisco. That is disappointing.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm.... I remember the events of that night very differently. There was much more stress and latent anger than you've written about. But the play made it all worth it.

    And you're right the G(a)linda and Fiyero weren't as good as the SanFran cast.
