August 2, 2010

July 25

This is a picture of me from Kindergarten. And we have another addition of facts about me.

  1. I can eat a lot. And I mean a lot. Test me one day. (I actually try not to anymore because of the losing weight thing, but it happens sometimes.)
  2. I hate listening to DVD menus over and over again. It is the worst thing.
  3. If I follow a recipe, I am a good cook. It is sometimes hard to mess those up.
  4. I make the world's best brownies.
  5. I make a complete stop at stop signs. No California stops here.
  6. I usually cut myself shaving. For the past 12 years that I have been doing it.
  7. I have a hard time getting through non-fiction books. It has to be very well written, no matter how interested I am in the subject.
  8. One day, I will dress my kids in brightly colored, crazy clothes.
  9. I could never be a spy or psychic detective. You have to break too many rules and laws to be successful. (According to TV anyways.)
  10. I hate only singing one verse of a song in church. Sing it all!
  11. I can look and study road maps all day long. 
  12. Then I like to actually take a new road and see where it goes.
  13. I prefer to take cold showers.
  14. I always wear my seatbelt, no matter how far we drive. 
  15. I can't nap where I normally sleep. Or really, I can't sleep where I nap. I am an awesome napper, but I have a hard time getting to sleep at night. Sometimes that only means sleeping on the opposite side of the bed or switching my head and feet. 
  16. I don't read introductions in books. If it was important enough, why not put it as a real chapter?
  17. I don't make my bed. I think it is pointless.
  18. I can't wear socks to bed. I feel too hot.
  19. I hate loud annoying noises like the vacuum or blender or tools.
  20. I love school supplies and am so excited to need to get some for school!

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