September 5, 2010

August 28

Ah, Chris and his sleep. There are few things more important than it. I love him to death, but I do not looking forward to having to wake him up. He gets so upset at me sometimes, but it can be funny in retrospect. Also, he talks. I know I have posted conversation before, but here they are again.

Chris: Did you put the rocking chair back into the stockroom?"
Me: "No."
Chris: "You better."
Me: "Why?"
Chris: mumbles "I don't know."

Me: "Chris, I am hungry and I can't eat until you are awake."
Chris: "I am getting up."
Me: "Chris it is time to get up."
Chris: "Stop, I still have a piece left in there."
Chris: "I still have a piece."
Still trying to wake him up.
Chris: "I'm going to pee on you." (He wasn't sleep talking for that one. He was totally awake.) But now he is back asleep.
Chris:"Stop trying to take a piece of me." Back asleep.

Me: Chris, you need to get up.
Chris: I can't.
Me: Why?
Chris: Because Randi said I'm not supposed to.

Another morning
Chris: (sitting up) Her name was Betty.
Me: Whose name is Betty?
Chris: (pausing)...I don' t know

Chris: Why did you say that Gwyenth Paltrow spends $150 mkaing fake eyelids?
Me: I didn't say that.

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