September 19, 2010

September 6

Labor Day. My first holiday as a teacher. We went over the the Kunz's and watched Mauren beat up MiCayla.  Just joking, but she does look like she is in pain.

We did play Cranium and it is a new version that has a Puppeteer activity. So Mauren was trying to make MiCayla be an astronaut without her knowing. It was pretty entertaining.

I can't wait for the next holiday, which will be Thanksgiving. But at least it is a whole week!


  1. Haha, this picture is awesome! It is a perfect representation of both of them!

  2. Haha - I made the blog!!!! Though you're right, I look like I'm beating her up...and enjoying it! ha!

  3. What's that supposed to mean Kira???
