September 5, 2010

August 29

A continuation of the post-its from before. Once Adison started drawing on the them, me and Charleah started drawing some of our favorite moments.

#1- The milk story which I have written about before
#2 "Stupid Power Steering"- Every time Mom drove Dad's truck, she complained about the power steering, especially when she had to back into the driveway.
#3 "Randi, get a life"- I don't even remember what prompted this. But Mom, Charleah, Sammie and I were eating at Sweet Tomatoes and Mom said this to me.
#4 "Why don't you go cry about it?"Probably the meanest thing I have ever said to anybody. Sammie and I were fighting about who had to clean the upstairs bathroom. She went upstairs to cry and I threw it in her face. As soon as I said it, I started laughing.
#5 "We can have..." Once Charleah and I were talking about what we can have for dinner. All of a sudden she went "we can have, we can have, we can have," like she was a broken record.
#6 One time we got back from camping and we were unpacking. I decided that it was faster to throw the bags up the stairs. But I couldn't get the bag to stay up there. I tried over and over again. Finally I got frustrated, saw Charleah and Sammie standing their watching me and yelled "Aren't you going to help me?" Then they started laughing.
#7 "Borrow Moms" Again, at Sweet Tomatoes. Either me or Charleah needed a knife and asked Sammie for hers. She must have been in a great mood that day because she wouldn't let us borrow hers and said "Borrow Mom's"

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure Sam asked for the knife and I said borrow moms, but o well. And That's a pretty good picture that I drew of our house. yeah yeah?
