January 13, 2010

This is Cali. I don't know what breed she is, some kind of lab. She is our dog. Really, she is Sammie's dog. But Sammie is at college, so everyone else is left to care for her.

In her mouth, is her toy. I bought it for her a little before Christmas. I threw it out yesterday because this is what she does. Apparently, when she is done with a toy, she chews it up until she gets a new one. Doesn't she look guilty?

She chews a lot. When she was still a puppy, I came home for the summer after my freshman year. She chewed my Bible. Sammie says that is wasn't her. But unless it was another animal we had living in the house, I am still sure she was Cali. She has learned now not to chew on things unless it is hers.

She is a smart dog, sometimes. She knows exactly where her toy is when she leaves it somewhere. She knows what it means to go to bed. When I take her on a walk, I don't have to use a leash. She will stay near enough to me and run back as soon as I call.

Bottom line: I love dogs. I always want to have one. I love living with one again.

1 comment:

  1. Well I'm glad at least somebody loves her. And she is definitely miiiine. Tis Kali with a K, btw. And she did not chew up your Bible.
