March 1, 2010

February 25

Dad is not really cooperative when it comes to pictures. But today is his birthday! Sammie and Charleah already wrote why they loved him. I decided to take a different route.

Things I've learned from Dad:

1. Have Family Home Evening every week.
2. Ask for help- even if he isn't the best example of that
3. Keep the Sabbath day holy
4. Babies don't need pacifiers
5. It's not napping. It's resting your eyes
6. Fast for 24 hours
7. To fear pain
8. If Dad doesn't like it, we don't have to eat it
9. McClellan's are honest people
10. Early? No. On time-ish
11. Sometimes, it is okay to fart in public. (Although I would never do that.)
12. How to have a farmer's tan without being a farmer
13. Remember what Christmas is really about
14. Don't watch inappropriate movies.
15. Always have a dog
16. Don't eat out too much
17. Drive Everywhere

Happy Birthday Dad! You don't look your age at all.


  1. To fear pain? really? I always thought that he told us to push through it.

  2. Without being a FARMER? Maybe you should read over your blog posts beforehand ;) Or have Chris do it.
