March 22, 2010

March 21

I didn't realize this was such a horrible picture. I'll have to take a better one later.

Today I played for choir for the first time ever. I love playing the piano and I love playing it for primary. And I can even play it all by myself just fine. But I have never wanted to play for a choir. All the choir pianists I have know have been amazing. They can play anything that is put in front of them. It is a bit intimidating.

But in our ward, there are few piano players. Right now the pianist is the bishop, who is also a bass. The bass section has like 1 person in it. I am an alto and there are like 9 altos. So it seems logical that I play piano so the bishop can sing.

And I committed to playing one song. I have practiced for weeks and I finally felt ready enough to play Sunday. I only messed up a few times, but I don't think it was noticeable. We are singing the song the week after Easter, so that gives me a bit more time to practice.

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