March 14, 2010

March 9

This post is dedicated to me:

  1. My favorite non-food smell in the world is scotch tape.
  2. I like tearing along the perforated edges.
  3. I am already getting gray hair. It is my mom's fault and I will have to dye my hair for the left of my life. 
  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE appetizers. 
  5. I am mean when I am tired. I try not to be, but I guess I can't really help it.
  6. I kind of seem like I am shy. My problem is I can't think of things to talk about to people I hardly know. You can't always ask if they've been on a cruise.
  7. I don't break the rules. I cannot do it.
  8. I usually hate showers. I just take them really fast.
  9. Showers put me to sleep; so I usually shower at night.
  10. I am not allergic to anything.
  11. I freaking love TV.
  12. I hate taking out the trash and mowing the lawn. So much so that Chris and I made a deal when we got married. He would always do those things, and I would do the laundry. 
  13. I wish I was a better writer than I was.
  14. Sometimes I completely fine talking in front of people. Other times I freak out and sound like I am going to cry. 
  15. Parallel parking is fun.
  16. I don't have a specific side that I like to sleep on. I try them all out.
  17. I hate arguing and disagreeing. It makes me anxious. 
  18. Calling people on the phone or answering the phone makes me anxious. 
  19. When I was younger, I wished I had braces or glasses. Now I am glad I didn't have to have either. 
  20. I haven't thrown up since homecoming 2003. Vomit free since 03!
  21. I don't carry a purse. I did for about 8 months before. But really, what's the point? I have pockets for my cell phone and keys. And I'll carry my wallet.
  22. I don't like taking medicine. I don't like the way it makes me feel.
  23. I have always wanted long hair. But I get impatient with it and chop it off.
  24. I don't plan my hair cuts. I wake up one day and decide that I hate my hair and have to get it cut now.
  25. I make pro/con lists.
  26. If I am tired enough I can sleep anywhere. I once slept on the tile in the first floor in the SWKT with my backpack as my pillow.
  27. I cannot stand the show The Bachelor.
  28. When I sleep I have to have a blanket on.
  29. My life's goal is to be translated. 


  1. YAY RANNIE. You look so good!
    And I hate that I have the shortest hair now.
    And I am also shaking my head at number 26. I make fun of those people.

  2. Randi... I second what Sam said. You look so good!!! What are you doing?!

  3. You can make fun of us, but at least I am sleeping.

    And I am just running 4 times a week and doing the shred once a week.
