March 28, 2010

March 25

I cut and dyed my hair. I have bangs now which Chris and I might have tried to fix a bit. (Charleah, they aren't as bad as yours.) There wasn't really anything wrong with them before, but they were very thin and hardly there. So, my bangs are pulled back here. And don't worry if you didn't notice my hair dye. That's the point, right? Although I can totally tell.

Also, remember when I said I never plan haircuts? Well, that is what happened. I woke up Thursday morning sick of my hair and I needed to cut it pronto. So three hours later I went to my appointment.

Also, I like my new hairdresser (even if we tried to fix the bangs). She confirmed what the last person who did my hair told me. It has been thinned out too much. Unfortunately, some hair dresser once told me that my hair was so thick it needed to be thinned often years ago and this is the first time someone told me why it wasn't good. Because I have naturally curly/wavy hair, too much thinning makes it impossible for my natural curls to be the curliest they can be.

Yea for haircuts!


  1. I LOVE this haircut. and of course they weren't as bad as mine. Nothing will ever be as bad as mine. :).

  2. I don't know. My bangs kind of suck right now. I can't do anything with them.
